American Family Housing: Emergency, transitional and permanent housing. Phone: (714) 897-3221
California Department of Social Services: Offers various programs with housing resources, including CalWORKs. For a complete list of programs, visit their website.
Charle St. Detox (men only): Provides 10-day detox program for alcoholism and sober-living housing. Phone: (949) 642-2941
Colette’s Children’s Home: Transitional shelter and supportive services for single women & women with children. Phone: (714) 596-1380
Fair Housing Foundation: Dedicated to eliminating discrimination in housing and promoting equal access to housing choices for everyone. Phone: (800) 446-3247 TTY (800) 855-7100
Fair Housing Council of Orange County: Provides counseling concerning housing rights, obligations and laws, and answers questions about the rights and obligations of landlords or tenants. Our counselors are trained professionals that are ready, willing and able to help resolve any landlord/tenant problem. Phone: (714) 569-0823 or (800) 698-FAIR (3247)
Families Forward: Provides transitional housing and assistance to local Orange County families (with children) who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Phone: (949) 936-9015
Foundation for Women Warriors: Offers the Warrior Assistance Program that provide short-term, high impact financial assistance to women veterans that helps them obtain or retain their homes. Warrior Assistance grants may be used to cover rent, utilities, car registration, car repairs, or other necessities. (310) 733-2450 For more information, please visit their website.
Mercy House: Offer transitional shelter, supportive services for women w/children, single men and single women a Homeless Prevention Program for families and individuals who are at risk of becoming homeless due to a financial crisis. Mercy House Staff provide clients with on-going case management that includes money management and household budget education to allow households to maintain a level of self-sufficiency and remain housed. Phone: (714) 836-7188
OC Rescue Mission: Long-term shelter for homeless men, women and families. Phone: (714) 247-4300
Project Hope Alliance: Provides case management services and lineages to housing resources for children and families. Phone: (949) 722-7863
Radiant Health Center: Offers a range of housing-related services to support the LGBTQ+ community. Eligible clients can receive financial assistance for rent and mortgage payments, help with utilities, rental deposits and emergency and short-term supportive housing. Phone: (949) 809-5700
Roque Center (co-ed): Provides residential non-medical detox services for adult men and women. Phone: (714) 952-4032
Share Our Selves: Offers direct financial assistance for basic necessities including rent, utilities and transportation.
SPIN: Move-in assistance, case management and support services. Phone: (714) 751-1101
StandUp For Kids: Housing resources for youth between the ages 12-24 who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness. Phone: (714) 356-5437 / email