Home sharing as defined below is exempt from the urgency ordinance.
Does an ADU count as a short term rental?
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are subject to a land use restriction that does not allow renting for less than 31 days. ADUs cannot be used as STRs in Costa Mesa.
How do I report a property in violation of the ordinance?
Please submit your concern on the MYCOSTAMESA online complaint portal application here; or contact the Community Improvement Division’s code enforcement duty desk at (714) 754-5638.
What are the penalties that could be applied to violations?
Once a violation has been verified, the City may issue fines up $1,000 a day. In addition, other enforcement options such as criminal charges and or nuisance abatement action may be taken against the responsible party.
What is a short-term rental?
A STR is the rental of a residential dwelling unit (or portion thereof) to paying occupants for less than 30 days. Where legal, STRs can vary from the rental of a single bedroom or common area to an entire home or apartment.